• Single / SISO Antennas
  • 2:1 Combination Antennas
  • 4:1 Combination Antennas
  • 5:1 Combination Antennas
  • 6:1 Combination Antennas
  • 11:1 Combination Antennas
  • Pattern
  • Manufacturers

For Routers and Devices

For Routers and Devices

Terminal Mount Antennas

An antenna is a basic piece of technology equipment used to wirelessly transmit and receive electromagnetic waves (EM waves) that contain packets of information between devices. Terminal mount antennas are a specific type of antenna that attaches directly to a device, such as a router, access point, or radio. Most of these antennas screw onto a connector mounted to the device. Westward Sales is proud to offer some of the best, most reliable device antennas on the market from trustworthy manufacturers, such as: Mobile Mark and Panorama Antennas. Check out the full line-up of device antennas to find the right tool for your networking needs.

Antenna Designs

There are two main types of device antennas: directional antennas and omnidirectional antennas.

A directional antenna is typically used in situations when the wavelengths must be focused in one singular direction. A good way to picture a directional antenna is to imagine a flashlight’s beam. The light from the flashlight is only illuminating the specific areas where the beam is being shone, everything else outside of the beam does not receive any light.


An omnidirectional antenna radiates signal from a 360-degree angle to deliver the widest signal coverage possible. Following with the light metaphor, an omnidirectional antenna is much like an incandescent light bulb. When you turn the bulb on, light will be eveningly distributed in all directions, not just one. Typically, omnidirectional antennas do not have as far of range as directional antennas. However, they are still great options for WiFi capabilities in either indoor or outdoor applications when you need an even signal throughout an entire space.

There are many different types of antennas to satisfy specific connectivity requirements. Here are a few of the types of device antennas that Westward Sales offers:

Paddle Antennas

A paddle antenna, also known as a log periodic antenna, can be ideal for dual-band wireless communication in the 2.4 and 5 GHz frequency ranges. These antennas can come in both omnidirectional and directional styles and can offer higher gain rates of 2 dBi (2.4 GHz) and 4 dBi (5 GHz).

Dipole Antennas

A dipole antenna is the simplest and most common class of antenna. Though simple, these antennas are effective, in some cases offering up to 5 dBi gain. Certain dipole antennas are ideal for ZigBee, Bluetooth, and WIFI radio applications.

Comprehensive Advanced Networking Needs

Curious about more connectivity solutions besides device antennas? Westward Sales has a wide range of products designed to improve your networking capabilities. Whether you want to improve remote monitoring, ramp up big data utility, or keep a close eye on valuable assets, our networking expertise can be of invaluable assistance. Our representatives are all experts, and we are proud to offer real-time help to network administrators and engineers to find the best way to get a job done. We can help you find the perfect tool for every niche and offer insight into network design that can improve your whole outlook. It all starts with a simple phone call. We look forward to hearing from you today!

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Router, and, Device, Antennas, Wi-Fi