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Yagi & LPDA

Yagi & LPDA

High-Gain, Yagi Directional Antennas

Yagi antennas are highly directional and made of several short elements mounted across an insulated support. Yagi directional antennas have a driven element, a dipole, with several coupled parasitic elements known as reflectors and directors. Together they work to produce waves of RF energy focused in a particular direction. Yagi antennas usually have a narrow bandwidth, which means they are efficient only over a small range of frequencies.

When you need a highly directional antenna with substantial gain, Yagi antennas are the choice. They’re economical and suited for outdoor installation. For instance, if you need to increase cell phone signal strength within a building, install an outdoor Yagi antenna and aim it at the nearest cell tower. With gain typically in the 8 to 12 dBi range, the Yagi antenna will pull in signals from the tower and send outgoing signals to it to improve cell phone communications.

Yagi Antenna Frequency Ranges

Westward Sales offers more than a dozen Yagi antennas that cover the most in-demand frequency bands.


You’ll find dual-band yagi antenna models designed for Wi-Fi that cover both the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Others offer coverage of bands between 200 - 250 MHz, 320 - 340 MHz, 406 - 512 MHz, 440 - 480 MHz, 698 - 930 MHz, 806 - 960 MHz, 866 - 960 MHz, and 900 - 930 MHz — which gives you options for virtually any application.

Examples of Efficient Yagi Antennas

Yagi antennas are most efficient — measured by the ratio of radiated power to input power applied to the antenna feed point — when they operate at resonance. Operating outside that frequency increases the VSWR and reduces efficiency dramatically. VSWR greater than 3:1 makes an antenna extremely inefficient. The Mobile Mark Y42400WB wideband Log Periodic UHF Yagi antenna offers an excellent VSWR less than 1.5:1 over 400 to 800 MHz at 9 dBi gain. The unit handles up to 150 watts and is commonly used in demanding mobile wireless networking, fixed-site installation, and land mobile radio.

The YAG8-W directional dual-band Wi-Fi Yagi antenna covers both the 2.4 - 2.5 GHz and 4 - 6 GHz bands with VSWR less than 2.0:1. The unit is enclosed in a UV-resistant, white radome made from a white ASA material, which blends in well with most settings. Indoors, it can boost Wi-Fi in building corridors and other areas where reception is poor, or it can be pole-mounted outside.

Yagi Antennas for 5G LTE Networks

Cellular antenna design and engineering is an exacting task, especially with the advent of MIMO designs. One MIMO model popular with cellular professionals is the 9-element Y42700WB-2X Yagi antenna which supports 5G LTE and CBRS cellular networks. This high-performance 2x2 MIMO Yagi antenna covers a frequency range from 600 MHz to 6 GHz, offers a VSWR less than 2.0:1, and features 14 dBi gain up to 4.2 GHz and 6 dBi from 4.2 to 6 GHz.

Contact our Specialists

No matter what your RF project requires, Westward’s sales engineers are here to help you quickly select the Yagi antenna best suited for your application. Contact one of our specialists to find the antenna you need. We’re standing by.

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Yagi, Antennas