Mobile Mark PSGN-2000S Device Halfwave, Flexible Portable Antenna, 1500-2700 MHz

Mobile Mark PSGN-2000S Device Antenna
Model: PSGN-2000S
Availability: 3 Weeks or Less
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Mobile Mark PSGN-2000S Device Antenna, M2M, Portable Rubber Duck Style

The PSGN-2000S antenna is a halfwave portable and flexible device antenna with an innovative new design. It is covered in a flexible poly heatshrink covered gooseneck that allows the antenna to bend into nearly any position. This antenna uses a full length center fed dipole configuration. Radiated energy is most pronounced along the horizon, with maximum peak of 3 dBi.

The antenna operates on the frequency range of 1500-2700 MHz. This frequency range is for Military applications at 1650 MHz. It is for specialized Advanced Wireless Systems (AWS) applications at 1.7-2.1 MHz.

The PSGN-2000S mounts to network devices in a very straightforward fashion with a standard SMA connector. The simple but elegant design is ideal for portable Cellular M2M applications. Its flexible rubber duck design requires no ground plane for operation. It can be used with products that consist of an all plastic chassis or case.

Single / SISO AntennasMilitary | Cellular
Frequency Range1500 - 2700 MHz
Gain3 dBi
Power10 W
Connector TypeSMA Male
Dimensions1.5 x .44 x 7.25
Warranty3 years
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PSGN-2000S Datasheet240.91KB