Mobile Mark LPD-VHF Land Mobile Surface Mount Antenna,145-175 MHz, 2 dBi Gain

Mobile Mark LPD-VHF-DN 145-175 MHz Low profile antenna
Model: LPD-VHF
Availability: 3 Weeks or Less

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Mobile Mark LPD-VHF Land Mobile Surface Mount Antenna, Low Profile VHF

The LPD-VHF is a Low-Profile Antenna Solution that comes in two different VHF Frequencies. The antenna is rated for 500 watts and can handle high-powered radios. It is specifically designed for transit vehicles that require low overhead clearance. It is an ideal solution for Public Safety Mobile Applications, such as an ambulance, that might have height restrictions. They are factory tuned and tested to provide excellent frequency coverage.

The LPD Series is made from a high impact resistant polycarbonate resin to protect against harsh outdoor environments. It terminates with an “N” Jack Female connector and is ;surface mounted at 8 places. These mounting holes are 15/32” (12 mm) in diameter, and 45° apart.

The Gain and VSWR are measured on a 3 FT Ground Plane. A 10 MHz Bandwidth is possible with the appropriate Ground Plane arrangement.


LPD-LVHF-DN-WHT, Low profile antenna, low frequency 145 - 161 MHz, White radome
LPD-LVHF-DN-BLK, Same as above, Black radome

LPD-HVHF-DN-WHT, Low profile antenna, high frequency 162 - 175 MHz, White radome
LPD-HVHF-DN-BLK, Same as above, Black radome

Single / SISO AntennasVHF
Frequency Range145 - 161 MHz
Gain2 dBi
Power500 W
Connector TypeN Female
Warranty3 years