Gateway Setup Instructions
Set Up Your Account
- Sign up for an account at MobilityHelpDesk.
- Select your Subscription Plan, which is based on the Rate Card.
- Fill in the username, password, credit card, and billing address at the bottom of the page.
- Select and read the TERMS and CONDITIONS, then click the SIGN-UP button.
Activate Your Data Lines
- Log into your account.
- Under the PURCHASE ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTION PLANS section, add subscription plans to the ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS table above.
- Fill in the IMEI and ICCID numbers (provided by ) per line in the MY SERVICES and EQUIPMENT section.
- Once the subscription is active, the SIM card in the router will register with the network and connect to the Internet.

Refer to the links below for further tips. The portal allows you to pay for the monthly services, Activate, Suspend, or Deactivate devices.
Instructional guide for account setup:
Account Setup Guide Video
To activate a sim card on the chosen subscribed plan:
MHD Sim Activation Guide Video
MHD support staff is available to answer any questions or assist with your device setup, so let us know how we can help.