Mobile Mark ED450-2 Folded Dipole Antenna, 406-512 MHz, 5 dBd Gain

Mobile Mark ED450-2 Folded Dipole Antenna
Model: ED450-2
Availability: 3 Weeks or Less
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Mobile Mark ED450-2 Folded Dipole Antenna, 10' Mast

The ED450-2 antenna has a frequency range of 406 - 512 MHz and 5 dBd gain. It is available in either 1/4 wave or 1/2 wave configurations.The radiating elements are black anodized and the mast is epoxy powder coated heavy-wall aluminum.

The feed line harness is contained inside the mast. This antenna is lightweight at less than 10 lbs. but can easily withstand winds of over 150 MPH. It is also weatherproof.

Various types of mounting hardware are available. Contact Westward Sales for options.

Single / SISO AntennasUHF
Warranty3 years
Download NameFile Size
ED450-2 Datasheet218.94KB
Tags: ED450-2