Understanding IP Ratings for Industrial Electronics


When shopping for industrial electronics, knowledge of computational and networking capacities is only half the battle. It is also important to understand durability ratings and how they work. The standard you’ve likely seen is the IP rating. It is frequently used by manufacturers to show what conditions equipment has been tested to withstand.  And, it graduates from generic terms like “waterproof” to quantifiable expectations. Understanding IP ratings can help you pick the right electronics more economically, and it brings better peace of mind by establishing proper confidence in your devices. Continue reading…

How Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) Boosts Your Network


Industrial networks have many demands, and one of the principle rules is that downtime isunacceptable. With the myriad design elements available, it can be difficult to pinpoint which is best for your industry. If Ethernet plays a major role in your network infrastructure, then ERPS might be the most cost-effective way to add redundancy and up-time protection to any network, regardless of size and traffic.

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Covering WiFi Gaps for Reliable Communications

Antaira APX-3200 WiFi access point

Media access is an essential component of empowering employees and workstations to achieve their fullest. Sometimes simple WiFi access can boost productivity on even simple tasks. In more extreme cases, Internet of Things (IoT) and similar massive data sampling require virtually every square foot of your facility have fast and reliable wireless communication. No matter the intended utility, if you require industrial Wi-Fi, you have to understand how to manage gaps.

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Getting Started With VPNs


Corporate networks have a lot of needs. Whether you run a small office or an enterprise, your users rely on you for convenient, secure ways to access and share information and electronic tools. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an almost inevitable upgrade for any corporate network. It can vastly expand both security and utility for your network, and it can give your company entire dimensions of new options for performing tasks and enabling employees to function at their peak.

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Simplify Camera Installation and Operation with a PoE Switch


Running cables to a camera is no fun at all. Every unit needs both power and a way of sending feedback to the base. It’s hard enough inside a building or vehicle, but remote installations multiply the challenges. That means taking cables out to access gates, parking lots, or anywhere else that needs monitoring. Run them above ground and they’re exposed to weather and attack. Put them underground and you face some steep bills. Switching to Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) cameras and a PoE switch halves the problem and could help solve it entirely.
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Save Money with Power over Ethernet (PoE)


There are so many possibilities in network design, that finding the right solution can be overwhelming. If you have wondered if Power over Ethernet (PoE) or a PoE injector is the right course for your project, then this guide is for you.  You’ll learn about PoE basics, cost saving opportunities, common applications and general reasons why you should or should not utilize PoE. Continue reading…